Foundation Report 2016

John Peden, Foundation Chair


The Foundation has had a busy year. Apart from implementing the Salesforce based database program earlier this year in conjunction with the OJA, we have adopted a comprehensive investment strategy and engaged UBS, now Crestone, to manage the Foundation’s investments. The strategy document (thank you, Hamish) bears more than a passing resemblance to the investment strategy document of the Future Fund, which manages in excess of $124bn; so we have room to grow!

More exciting however was the meeting this week of our Scholarships and Bursaries Committee, comprising College Council member Dr Jane Williamson, Foundation Board member Cath Parkinson and the Acting Warden Reverend Professor Rodney Wolff (in attendance in spirit and by the presence of his voluminous notes). There was a fourth attendee, being young Sophie Parkinson, but at age 4 weeks, her contribution was limited to a support role.

Image Scholarships & Bursaries Committee - St John's College Foundation
Photo (L-R): Scholarships and Bursaries Committee – Mrs Catherine Parkinson (Foundation Board) and Dr Jane Williamson (College Council and Foundation Board Member).

The committee met to consider some 41 applications by returning students for scholarship and bursary awards for 2017. The committee resolved to grant over 20 awards. More awards will be made early next year to both returning and incoming students. The awards process is now, I am pleased to report, an open and accountable process by which students and their parents can consider what is available (go to Studying & Learning on the College website), submit an application online and have the application considered by the committee members. The committee is a joint initiative of the Foundation and the Council and is empowered to allocate Foundation and College awards. Special thanks go to Jane, Cath and Rodney for their hard work in bringing this most important part of our charter to life.

The Foundation is looking forward to 2017. We have a dynamic board of dedicated professionals and some great plans. In the meantime, on behalf of the board, may I wish everyone a very happy festive season and best wishes for the New Year.


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