College Corner – May 2017

Tristan Heiner, St John’s Student Club President

Photo: Choralfest 2017.

The Student Club year commenced with one of the most seminal weeks of the year, that of course being Orientation Week. One hundred and twenty new Johnians arrived at the college needing to be instilled with a sense of pride in their new home. In a frantic week, the O Week team wasted no time ensuring the newest cohort of Johnians were imbued with the values and rich history of the college. Once again, St John’s has proven to possess an Orientation formula that really does lay the foundations for an exceptional year and ignites amongst the freshers a passion for their new home that I truly do believe is unparalleled at other colleges.

SJC O Week Student Executive 2017 Image
Photo: SJC O Week Student Executive 2017.
SJC O Week Celebrations 2017 Image
Photo: O Week celebrations in full swing.

On the sporting front St John’s commenced the year victorious and glorious. In the ICC Swimming Carnival, the Ladies swam exceptionally to win the competition, sparking absolute delirium in the stands. The Gentlemen claimed second to guarantee the night would be characterised by cathartic releases of Johnian spirit. Two days later, just to make sure nobody calmed down, the Gentlemen secured the Tennis premiership, with the Ladies claiming 4th. Table Tennis, Badminton and Touch have all come and gone and St John’s is in the enviable position of 2nd in both the Gentlemen and Ladies overall ICC table.

SJC Swimming Carnival Supporters
Photo: Swimming Carnival 2017 – SJC support in force!
SJC Volleyball 2017 Image
Photo: Ladies Volleyball.

Culturally, the Jabbas are waging a fervent bid to reclaim the Zelman Cowan Cup after two years of separation. Eliza Kitchener carried the hopes of St John’s in the ICC College Idol competition and her dulcet tones nabbed us 3rd to kickstart the year on a very positive note. The Debating Team are undefeated and the Johnians have recently claimed 2nd place in both Bandfest and Choralfest, leaving us a lick of paint away from the frontrunners Emmanuel College in the overall standings.

We have seen the first of St Johns’ famous banquet of social events open to the broader community in St John’s at Home which took place on the 1st of April. The event was a raging success and a tip of the hat must go to Social Convenors Katherine Pullos and Christopher Balshaw for organising a fun and safe event that surpassed last year’s attendance numbers. The College’s annual Jazz Night is just around the corner with the UQ college community awaiting with great anticipation.

SJC Choir Rehearsal 2017 Image
Photo: O Week – Choir rehearsal.

Turning to community service and St John’s held a very profitable Shave for a Cure afternoon with The Women’s College. This was a new event lead by our Community Service Convenor Daniel Adair which was loads of fun, raised a lot of money and ensured the legs of nine Johnian males and my chest hair was waxed!

It’s only through exercises such as writing these reports that I have time to reflect on the year that has been. I can confidently say without an iota of doubt that this has been a fantastic year so far and the Jabba spirit is alive and well. As always, it is an exciting time to be a Johnian!


Tristan Heiner Image

Tristan Heiner is the St John’s Club President, a current third year bachelor of Laws/Commerce student and St John’s College Foundation bursary recipient 2016 and 2017. Tristan has an infectious affection for St John’s and believes the experiences gained and values learned during College years positively impact the evolution of students into young adults. He describes life at St John’s as “a utopia of mateship and self-development for every single student who passes through these halls”.



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